JJUG CCC 2021 Spring
2021/05/23 16:00〜
Track D
50 min
Others Beginner Standard

Kotlin for Databases

hiqinternat Victor Durán hiqinternat

Presentation Type: Standard
Level: Beginner
Categories: Others
Agree to publish your session to JJUG YouTube channel after conference: Yes

The first section will take around twenty minutes
The talk with start with some basic theoretical knowledge about SQL and ACID, NoSQL and BASE, a little bit of database history, where are we standing in 2021,
how the ORM impacted Java and how they look in Kotlin. There will be some mention to the future fibers and how that will impact the current work of synchronous drivers vs asynchronous db drivers. The goal in this part is to give the tools to chose the right tool (SQL or NoSQL) for the right problem. Also if the developer really need an ORM, and that case how to chose the right ORM (Hibernate, Expect, etc.)

The second section will take twenty minutes, leaving ten minutes for questions.
Tto show the audience the code with Kotlin syntax, the differences with Java, and the trade-offs of connecting to a database with Kotlin following different approaches:

  • Server (Postgres or MySQL)
  • Embedded (SQLite)
  • Asynchronous drivers (r2dbc and reactive)
  • Kotlin Frameworks (Expect ORM and Xodus DB)

All the code examples will be available on github.