Framewars: the battle between NoSQL and Java in the cloud a by Otavio Santana

JJUG CCC 2021 Spring
2021/05/23 17:00〜
Track C
50 min
Serverside Others Cloud Intermediate

Framewars: the battle between NoSQL and Java in the cloud a

Otavio Santana

Title: Framewars: the battle between NoSQL and Java in the cloud arena.

Presentation Type [Choose either from Standard / BeginnerSpeaker / StepUp]: Standard
Level [Choose either from Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced]:
Categories [Choose either from Java SE / Jakarta EE / Server-side / Cloud / JVM / DevOps / Tools / Others]:
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This lecture's objective is to make comparisons between points and weaknesses of Java frameworks that integrate with databases. On the one hand, the NoSQL MongoDB, Redis, Neo4J, and Cassandra, and on the other, the Java frameworks that integrate with them: Spring, Quarkus, Jakarta EE, Micronaut. The arena: the cloud!
In this ring, the one who best analyzes each tool's trade-offs wins, participates, and is the judge of this epic battle.