Presentation Type [Choose either from Standard / BeginnerSpeaker / StepUp]: Standard
Level [Choose either from Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced]: Beginner
Categories [Choose either from Java SE / Jakarta EE / Server-side / Cloud / JVM / DevOps / Tools / Others]: Server-side
カンファレンス終了後にJJUG YouTubeチャンネルでセッション動画の公開を希望する / Agree to publish your session to JJUG YouTube channel after conference [Yes or No]: Yes
Fly like a rocket with Helidon
Good news, everyone! Helidon got a jet engine! Now Helidon is packed with modern, high-tech, James Bond-level features and it flies like a rocket! Also, thanks to a nicely crafted fitness plan, the weight has been reduced and concentration increased - resulting in less RAM consumption and faster waking. Come to my live coding session to learn about all of the new features added in Helidon 2.3.0 such as full GraalVM native image support (including DB drivers), MicroProfile Reactive Streams and Reactive Stream Operators, Helidon DB Client, HTTP Client in Helidon SE. I will also be demonstrating our GraphQL support and Micronaut integrations, as well as the command line tool and live-reloading feature which will nitro-boost your development process. And there will be some new announcements!