AOT or JIT: Faster Startup, Faster Code, or Faster Both? by Simon Ritter

JJUG CCC 2021 Spring
2021/05/23 16:00〜
Track A
JVM Intermediate

AOT or JIT: Faster Startup, Faster Code, or Faster Both?

speakjava Simon Ritter speakjava

Presentation Type [Choose either from Standard / BeginnerSpeaker / StepUp]: Standard
Level [Choose either from Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced]: Intermediate
Categories [Choose at least one from Java SE / Jakarta EE / Server-side / Cloud / JVM / DevOps / Tools / Others]: JVM
カンファレンス終了後にJJUG YouTubeチャンネルでセッション動画の公開を希望する / Agree to publish your session to JJUG YouTube channel after conference [Yes or No]: Yes

Microservice architectures have become prevalent for developing applications. Transforming monolithic applications to multiple container-based services has many advantages, in particular cost savings from optimal cloud utilization facilitated by dynamic scalability, and the spinning up and shutting down of service instances in response to changing demand.

Running JVM applications in a managed environment with Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation provides challenges, such as service warm up. In response, environments such as GraalVM and Quarkus have developed an Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) approach for faster warm up, but that does not mean optimum performance.

In this webinar we will navigate the pros and cons of both approaches to explore tradeoffs between initial performance and overall performance, and you will learn how you can better architect your Java microservice design.