Contributors Guide to the Jakarta EE 10 Galaxy by Reza Rahman

JJUG CCC 2021 Fall
Video:40min + Live:10min
Beginner Jakarta EE Standard

Contributors Guide to the Jakarta EE 10 Galaxy

reza_rahman Reza Rahman reza_rahman

プレゼンタイプ / Presentation Type [Choose either from Standard / BeginnerSpeaker / StepUp]: Standard
レベル / Level [Choose either from Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced]: Beginner
カテゴリー / Categories [Choose at least one from Java SE / Jakarta EE / Cloud / JVM / DevOps / Tools / Community / Others]: Jakarta EE
後日セッション動画の公開を希望する / Agree to publish your session video [Yes or No]: Yes

Jakarta EE 8 has been delivered and Jakarta EE 9 is well on the way. This is a perfect time to begin exploring the horizons of Jakarta EE 10 and how you can help make it reality.

We will guide you on how to begin contributing towards Jakarta EE 10. We will cover ways of contributing, what paperwork is needed as well as the likely possibilities for Jakarta EE 10 including high level themes, platform level changes and some detailed features. Some technologies that might change include Jakarta Security, Concurrency, Messaging, Persistence, REST, Batch and Faces. New APIs that could be added include Jakarta NoSQL, MVC and Configuration. We will talk about non-specification projects such as the Tutorial and Samples.

We will also discuss what might be after Jakarta EE 10. Bring your thinking caps!