JJUG CCC 2021 Fall
Video:40min + Live:10min
Beginner Java SE Jakarta EE Cloud Standard

How Microsoft Learned to Love Java

reza_rahman Reza Rahman reza_rahman

プレゼンタイプ / Presentation Type [Choose either from Standard / BeginnerSpeaker / StepUp]: Standard
レベル / Level [Choose either from Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced]: Beginner
カテゴリー / Categories [Choose at least one from Java SE / Jakarta EE / Cloud / JVM / DevOps / Tools / Community / Others]: Java SE, Jakarta EE, Cloud
後日セッション動画の公開を希望する / Agree to publish your session video [Yes or No]: Yes

This session is a fast-paced tour of all things Java and Azure at the modern Microsoft of today. We will first talk about the why, how and what of Java and Microsoft. We will then dive right into the broad range of tools, services and APIs that Microsoft offers around Azure for Java developers. We will show a small but representative demo of a Java application most developers would feel familiar with running well on Azure. Lastly, we will discuss the road map for what Java developers can expect from Microsoft in the future. This session is as much about sharing what Microsoft offers today as it is about listening to what the Java community wants to see from Microsoft tomorrow.