Powering Java on Azure with Open Liberty and OpenShift by Reza Rahman

JJUG CCC 2021 Fall
Video:40min + Live:10min
Beginner Jakarta EE Cloud Standard

Powering Java on Azure with Open Liberty and OpenShift

reza_rahman Reza Rahman reza_rahman

プレゼンタイプ / Presentation Type [Choose either from Standard / BeginnerSpeaker / StepUp]: Standard
レベル / Level [Choose either from Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced]: Beginner
カテゴリー / Categories [Choose at least one from Java SE / Jakarta EE / Cloud / JVM / DevOps / Tools / Community / Others]: Jakarta EE, Cloud
後日セッション動画の公開を希望する / Agree to publish your session video [Yes or No]: Yes

Want to see how the Java ecosystem and the cloud opens new possibilities for developers? This session is for you! It shows how familiar players like IBM and Microsoft can collaborate around open technologies in ways you may not have expected just a few years ago.

In this fast-faced, demo-heavy and mostly slide-free session we will show first-hand how to run Open Liberty on Azure managed OpenShift. We will demo in real time how to stand up a cluster quickly and deploy a realistic Java EE/Jakarta EE/MicroProfile application that integrates with some services on the cloud such as database, directory server, cache or log aggregator. At the end of the session, you will have all the demos available on GitHub so you can explore them on your own!