Debugging Performance with Instruments and os_signpost by Kyle Zhao

iOSDC Japan 2024

Debugging Performance with Instruments and os_signpost

kylezhao14 Kyle Zhao kylezhao14

The os_signpost API was introduced in 2018 as a tool to work in to analyze and fix the performance of an application

Profiling an application with os_signposts periodically will allow us to catch performance regressions with os_signpost gives the developer a visual and intricate picture of what is happening in the application during performance critical segments of the app


  1. 処理に時間のかかるタスクを特定して測定する
  2. そのイベントを分析して、そのタスク内でどのようなイベントが発生しているかを把握する
  3. Instruments のタイムライン グラフを使用すると、アプリを高速化するために同時に実行できる操作を特定できる